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Understanding the Connection Between Sugar and Tooth Decay

Afshin Golyad DDS.

Most children are told that sugary foods are bad for their teeth, but the exact negative impact of sugar on the teeth is rarely explained. That may be one reason why many adult patients are not clear as to the reasons why sugar leads to tooth decay. The fact is, it is not sugar itself but bacteria in the mouth which cause tooth decay and cavities. Every person has bacteria in their mouth, no matter how well they care for their mouths. Complete sterilization of the mouth is simply not possible.

These bacteria can multiply rapidly with bad oral hygiene, and this causes the bacteria to form colonies in the mouth. When this occurs, “dental plaque’ is the result. Plaque allows the bacteria to have a home in the mouth, and this can lead to cavities and decay. When a patient eats, the bacteria also eat, and the bacteria produce acids as they live and consume food. When plaque is present, the acid is held underneath the plaque, up against the tooth’s surface, allowing decay to occur.

When a patient eats sugar or sugary foods, the bacteria are able to produce more acid. Some acid is washed away by saliva and into the mouth, but the acid that remains against the enamel surface of a tooth over time will lead to decay. If plaque is present in the mouth, it will protect the acids and make it harder for the saliva to wash the acids away. This means that the acids are more likely to cause decay. If a patient eats a lot of sugary foods, then a higher level of acidity may be formed in the mouth. This, along with plaque, can lead to even more tooth decay.

It is not necessary to completely remove sugar from your diet to enjoy a beautiful smile. The trick is to reduce the amount of time dietary sugars remain in your mouth and to reduce the amount of sugar consumed. You can prevent cavities and enjoy a brighter smile by:

  • Opting for artificial sweeteners over natural sugars. Bacteria do not produce as much acid with artificial sweeteners.
  • Brushing and flossing or rinsing your mouthy after eating sugar or sugary foods. This will help your mouth flush away the acids produced by the bacteria. Remember: it’s not the acid produced by the bacteria that causes decay, but rather the acid that remains in the mouth that causes cavities.
  • Don’t prolong your sugary snacks. If you want to eat cake or drink a sugary drink, do not spend hours at it. That gives the acid more time to spend in your mouth. Consume the sugar and then rinse or brush to get rid of the acid.

Get regular cleanings at your Santa Monica dentist’s office. Your dentist can remove plaque, which can make it easier for your mouth to get rid of acids effectively.

When Your Santa Monica Dentist Needs to Perform an Extraction

Afshin Golyad DDS.

If one of your teeth is so damaged that it cannot be saved or if one of your tooth is so infected that removal is the only way to halt the infection, your dentist or an oral surgeon will need to remove the tooth. Tooth removal often begins with a local anesthetic to numb the area. If more than one tooth must be removed, your dentist or surgeon will use a stronger, general anesthetic. The dentist will then remove the tooth and give you stitches, if you need them. After the procedure, your Santa Monica dentist or surgeon may instruct you to bite down on a cotton gauze pad to help stop the bleeding. Once your tooth has been removed, your dentist will discuss whether an implant, a denture, or a bridge will be used to replace the removed tooth.

You will need to recover a few days after a tooth extraction. Your dentist may give you painkillers to make this period easier to bear. Your dentist may also instruct you to rinse your mouth out with warm salt water a few times a day to help reduce swelling and pain. To help stop bleeding, you may have to change your gauze pad regularly and eat mostly soft foods at first to give your mouth a chance to heal. Staying out of stress and propping your head up with pillows (so that you are not lying flat) can also help stop the bleeding associated with tooth extraction. Ask your Santa Monica dentist for directions about what you should do after your tooth extraction and follow those directions to the letter.

The main goal with most extractions is to prevent infection from spreading to other areas of your mouth or to remove a damaged tooth that cannot be saved. However, since extraction is a type of surgery, it is not without its risks. Any sort of dental surgery can permit bacteria in the mouth to enter your bloodstream. This can cause infections. If you do not easily fight off infections, talk to your dentist before surgery. You may need to take antibiotics before and after dental surgery. If you have heart problems, diabetes, liver disease, artificial joints, or take steroids for Crohn’s disease, asthma, or some other condition, you need to tell your Santa Monica dentist because you may also need additional antibiotics.

Of course, the best way to deal with a tooth extraction is to avoid it in the first place. Good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits can help you avoid the necessity of having a tooth extraction. If it has been six months since your last appointment, an appointment with West LA Dental can help ensure that your teeth stay healthy.

Contact Your Santa Monica Dentist About Root Canals

Afshin Golyad DDS.

For many dental patients, root canals are the cause of some stress. Many patients only know that root canals are painful and therefore do everything they can to avoid them. In truth, though, root canals are an important part of dentistry and can actually save you a great deal of pain and discomfort.

Root canals are actually misnomers. In fact, root canals are a part of the teeth. Although the teeth appear to be made of a hard, solid substance, inside the teeth you can find a pulp tissue that includes the teeth’s nerves. Root canals are actually the parts of a tooth’s nerve which join the root to the tooth’s pulp chamber. Root canal therapy is what treats the damaged root canals, although many people simply shorten the term “root canal therapy” into “root canal”.

You may need a root canal if the inside of your tooth becomes damaged. Most often, damage occurs to the tooth’s “pulp tissue” which consist of nerve fibers, arteries, veins, lymph vessels, and connective tissue. In some cases, extreme pressure on the tooth, extreme temperatures, cracked teeth or advanced tooth decay cause damage to the inside of the tooth. When this happens, the nerves of the teeth respond, causing extreme pain for the patient. Root canal therapy can help alleviate the pain.

During a root canal, the nerve tissue is actually removed from the tooth. This helps prevent the symptoms associated with infected or damaged tissue – including extreme pain – and can allow the dentist to save the tooth as well. During the root canal, e a rubber dam is placed around the affected tooth to protect the tooth. In some cases, anesthetic is administered. A small opening is made in the tooth that allows the dentist to reach the damaged part of tooth. The dentist will then remove the damaged tissue and will fill and seal the root canal using a material called guttapercha. A filling is used to close the tooth again.

It is important to see your dentist regularly. While some patients needing root canal treatments need to visit their dentists because the pain becomes severe, some patients experience no pain at all. This can actually be a more dangerous situation, since not getting a required root canal can cause you to lose a tooth. Delaying treatment can also cause other complications to your situation.

If you notice any pain in your mouth, changes in color of any teeth, or any changes in your gums, contact your dentist at once. You may need a root canal. Also, contact West LA Dental today if it has been a while since your last dental appointment. You will want to take care of any potential problems up front.

Dental Care 101 – From Your Santa Monica Dentist

Afshin Golyad DDS.

Many patients assume that they know everything that there is to know about dental care. However, whether you’re visiting your Santa Monica dentist regularly or whether it has been awhile since your last checkup, it is never too late or too early to start practicing good oral hygiene. In order to keep your smile looking its very brightest, you need to:


Brushing is the basis of a good oral hygiene program. Using a toothbrush that is in good shape and a high quality toothpaste is essential. You should be brushing at least a few times a day, making sure to brush each tooth well. Use gentle pressure and brush from your gums down. Brush your tongues as well to discourage bacteria and to promote fresh breath.


In addition to brushing, flossing is essential. While brushing removes tartar and food from the surface of your tooth, most toothbrushes aren’t very good at getting in between your teeth. Only flossing removes articles of food from deep between your teeth. Without flossing, food can easily decay between your teeth, causing cavities. You should floss once a day, or more if you have eaten something that seems to stick between your teeth.

Eat a good diet

A healthy diet promotes your overall health — and that includes your oral health. A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits is important in promoting good overall health. Vegetables and fruits also provide the “crunch” needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It’s important to also eat plenty of calcium — found in milk products — in order to keep your teeth and bones strong. Avoiding excessive sugar can also help you promote a healthy smile.

Keep an eye out for symptoms

When you brush and floss your teeth, you should check your mouth to make sure that your gums and teeth seem healthy. Look for any unexplained bumps, or sores that do not seem to heal properly, and any unusual symptoms. If you notice that your mouth is dry or that you have bad breath, take note. Any of these symptoms could indicate a problem. If you notice any symptoms, be sure to visit your West LA dentist right away. He or she can help you determine whether there is anything wrong. The sooner you see your dentist, the more quickly your dentist can help you recover fully if you do have some sort of problem.

See your dentist regularly

Even if you take care of your teeth perfectly and have no obvious symptoms of disease, you still need to see your Santa Monica dentist regularly. Ideally, you should arrange for checkups and cleanings at least twice a year. Cleanings will not only remove plaque and tartar that you cannot remove with your toothbrush alone, but visiting your dentist regularly also allows your dental health professional to check for diseases and other problems that may not have any obvious symptoms. Visiting your dentist regularly may be one of the most important things that you do to keep your smile bright. It’s been awhile since the last appointment, Contact West LA Dental today.

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